Wednesday 26 February 2014

Conclusions from Primary Research

After carrying out primary research around Nottingham, my group decided to meet and discuss our findings and analyse them further, this will help us to determine the following:

- Where we feel the opportunities lie
- What market level we want to work at
- Who our ideal target consumer might be
- What sort of retail environment we would want to create
- Where we would want the product to be sold (e.g. department stores/online etc)

During the meeting we decide that the most effective way to collate our information for comparison would be to split up the different areas between us. This way we could go away and write up all our notes and thoughts on the different retail spaces we visited, before meeting again to compare our findings and ideas in a much clearer and organised way. 

The areas that I focused on were the two major department stores in Nottingham that we chose to look at; these were John Lewis and House of Fraser. The document below contains my written up notes on both of these stores as well as my own comparative opinion.

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