Friday 15 November 2013

The Modern Consumer

Friday Lecture - The Modern Consumer

Pre-Digital Consumers

  • Limited choice/information/price/negotiation
  • Limited supply/dialogue/redress
  • Relatively powerless
  • Old marketing methods
Modern Consumer - The 'Smartphone' Influence
  • Connected
  • Active
  • Engaged
  • Mobile
  • Open
  • Impatient
  • Demanding
  • Powerful
  • Access to Information - brand/peer/structured/real time
  • Choice - greater supply/global market/faster manufacturing/improved logistics
The New Market
  • Two-way
  • Targeted 
  • Interactive
  • Reactive
  • Effective
  • Mobile
  • Fluid
  • Efficient
New Marketing Methods
  • Creating a dialogue
  • Informing not selling
  • Informed by consumers not marketers
  • Shared values - trust/integrity/authenticity/involvement/respect/community
Consumercentic Marketing
  • Social media
  • Art of the trench - Burberry - Photo sharing/brand ambassadors/set up in 2009/
  • Mass Customisation
  • Democratic
  • Supportive
  • Facilitate conversation
  • Provide a platform
  • Offer access
  • Encourage participation
  • Enable storytelling
  • Provide information
  • Share learning
  • Reward involvement
Brand Objectives
  • Lead
  • Validate
  • Engage
  • Nudge
  • Support
5 Key Trends
  • Mobile
  • Video
  • Upgrade
  • Image
  • Social
  • Wants
  • Needs
  • Profile
  • History
  • Time
  • Location
  • Connections
  • Incentive
  • Privacy
The Future Consumer
  • Technology - 3D printing/Nano
  • Authenticity
  • Immediacy 
  • Customisation
  • Resourced - sustainability/sharing
  • Ethics

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