Monday, 25 November 2013

Market Research for Jack Wills

To help with our group research on Jack Wills we decided to create a questionnaire to ask our peers within our course and outside of the course. We felt this would really help use to get a clear sense of the consumers opinion. Below are the questions we came up with for a paper questionnaire to be handed out, and also the digital version created on survey, which we have shared via social networking and our blogs.

Paper Version Questions
The questions within this questionnaire are very location specific as these are to be handed out directly to the audience we wish to gain feedback from:

How old are you?
What course are you studying at Uni?
Does fashion play an important part in your life?
Do you follow trends?
Do you shop in any of the following – Abercrombie& Fitch/Hollister/Ralph Lauren/Zara/Topshop/River Island
Do you shop in Jack Wills?
If Yes, what products do you own?
If No, have you ever been into a Jack Wills store?
Have you ever been on the Jack Wills website?
What social media sites do you use?
Do you follow any of your favourite brands of social media? 
Do you follow Jack Wills on any area of social media?
Do you use loyalty cards?
Did you have a Topshop loyalty card?
Did you go to the Urban Outfitters launch party in Nottingham?
Do you visit your student union?
Would you be interested in a collaboration event between your SU and a well known brand?
Did you go to carnage?
If yes, would you go again?
Have you heard of the Jack Wills Seasonnaires?
Do you think brand ambassadors are important for a brand and their promotion?  

Digital Version Questions
The questions created for this version of the questionnaire where much more specific in the
answers that the participant would provide. We were also limited to 10 questions, hence the
shorter length. We used a site called to generate this questionnaire,
which would allow us to reach a wider audience. 

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Click here to take survey

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