Friday 20 December 2013

Feedback on Project Two

Here are comments that we received from peers and lecturers on the assessment day:

  • "great enthusiasm for the project and brand"
  • "clear identification of problem areas/room for improvement within brand"
  • "sometimes more descriptive than analytical"
  • "good visuals"
  • "presentation could have benefited from more rehearsals, could have been better"
  • "good timing in presentation"
  • "outfits helped to enhance visuals"
  • "survey monkey was a good idea"
Here is the peer and lecturer feedback from the day, presented in my sketchbook with the quecards from the presentation:

Here is the formal feedback we received for our project two brand presentation on Jack Wills:


Course: Fashion Communication & Promotion

Module title: Visual Awareness
Module code:  FASH10105              Credits: 60
Project: Brand Presentations

STUDENTS:  Group 2 Team 8

Whitley Miller  
Georgia Green  
Courtney Welham  
Amy Dennett 
Alice Hoar  


ASSESSMENT DATE:  5th / 6th Dec 2013

Feedback on formative/summative assessment (Please delete as appropriate)

Tutors comments:                                                         Brand Jack Wills

Areas of strength

·       New Concept – well justified. 
·       Very good on brand background and brand ambassadors
·       Ubiquity – identify the Superdry syndrome
·       Good to speak with a design students
·       Evidence of lots of research here, well done.
·       Good attempt to sell your pitch.
·       Well done for using Survey Monkey! Good primary research.
·       Layout of slides are simple, but strong.
·       New concept – a considered summary if rather ‘skirting’.
·       Good document of meetings and agendas.

Areas to improve

·       Little mention of the cultural references associated to the brand– more analysis needed on these.  There was more a historical account of the brand instead. 
·       Visualisation moodboard needed to show the relationship between cultural connections to Vivienne Westwood and Jack Wills? Westwood seems odd match – she wouldn’t do it?!  Would media come to Chatsworth and would these celebs work with JW?
·       Need to provide references to facts and evidence on first slide.  This was a brief history, and did not include their influences or what inspires the brand – what are the cultural references they use??
·       Brand essence - very small font.
·       Too much on retail – unbalanced. Communication touch points listed but more analysis needed, i.e. also incl. some stats.
·       More constructive criticism needed on competitors and consumers.
·       Spoke too quickly.  Too quick on perceptual map.
·       Generally need more detail and insight – less factual, more perceptive.

Student self-evaluation completed:  no

Overall banding: Mid 2:2

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