Tuesday, 30 September 2014

What are you like?

Today we had a seminar called 'What are you like?' in which we discussed different characteristics and personality types, and how combinations of these can effect teams and group work. We started out by doing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test that asks 4 questions, each answer splitting you into one of two groups. There were:


My results were ISFP - Introvert/Sensing/Feeling/Perceiving

I also followed this up by taking some personality tests on the following link:

These were my results from the MOTIV Personality Test:

We also started a Johari Window as part of this seminar, following this model:

Monday, 29 September 2014

1960's Poster

1960's Poster - Summer Research Project

This is the poster I created for the Summer Project we were given. The layout reflects a 'timeline' of events that occurred throughout the 1960's; the people, objects, events and styles I have chosen to show within this poster are those that, I believe, we're some of the most influential of their time, and many of which are still influential today. These include Andy Warhol and his work as a pop artist, the first man on the moon, Twiggy and the concept of a 'supermodel', the Dr Martins trend, The Beetles, and the 'Hippies'.


I had positive feedback as well as constructive criticism from peers and lectures for my poster. They said that the structure was really good and the idea of a 'time line' worked effectively. They also suggested that doing one of these for all the eras would be a great visual resource that I could refer back to in the future and also include in my portfolio. However, they also suggested that editing the photos on photoshop could have shown more skill and also given it a more professional finish.